Spotlighting Dream Life Changemakers helping our community learn, grow, and thrive!
Dame Nicole Brandon
Founder of DreamLife
Kasia Kozak
"Dancing with the Stars"
Collete Baron-Reid
Bestselling author
Eric Edmeades
Creator of WildFit
Freddie Ravel
Renown pianist
Dr. Paul Scheele
CEO of Scheele Learning Systems
Joe Vitale
Author of The Attractor Factor
Dr Lise Janelle
David Meltzer
Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur
Sandra and Daniel Biskind
Spiritual thought leaders
Carl Studna
World-renowned photographer
Shelly Lefkoe
Lefkoe Institute
Carl Logrecco
Founder of Rarity Group
Anil Gupta
World expert on relationships
And So Many More!
Including experts from The Secret!